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Laura Campbell and Kate B

Laura is the founder of Nautilus Acupuncture. As an Acupuncturist, Emergency Nurse and Yoga teacher she blends her passion for Eastern Medical practices with her knowledge and experience of Western Medicine. She believes educating clients about their body, breath, mind and emotions in a way that makes sense to them is the key to improving physical and mental wellbeing. Supporting people to find ways to bring more calm, peace and stillness into their life is now her path and purpose. Whether that be through an Acupuncture treatment, Qi Gong practice, a yoga class, meditation, or the simple act of getting out in nature and taking a long, slow, deep belly breath. Laura believes the transformational power of ceremonial cacao should be met with respect and reverence and aims to deliver an experience with this is mind. Kate B A singer for as long as she can remember, Kate has done everything musical short of playing in an orchestra! From blues to folk, cafe gigs & community choirs, Kate creates music that touches the soul. Here you find words of peace, love & joy that float in melodious contemplation, songs to uplift the heart, to be still amongst and songs to slow dance. Kate has always believed that music is a form of magic that weaves its way into the hearts of listeners, creating a space of unity, bringing everyone together in one voice and mind. With a background in community choirs, festival stages & chanting, Kate’s vision has always been healing through song. The song can uplift the heaviest heart, connecting the singer, the listener, the musician and the audience as one beating rhythm, physically, energetically and spiritually.

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Morning Light Studio

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